Estate Planning
Appoint an Executor to settle your financial affairs. Choose who will receive your legacy. Decide who will raise your minor children.
Simple wills can take care of distributing property after your death, naming a guardian for your children, putting someone in charge of managing your children's financial affairs, and choosing someone to act as the executor of your estate.
Appoint someone you trust to handle important financial obligations if you are unable to. Choose to avoid guardianship proceedings. Decide on a plan, so your finances stay under control if a serious illness occurs.
Appoint someone you trust to speak for you on health care matters. Choose the care you do or do not want at the end of your life. Decide on a plan for medical professionals to follow if a serious illness occurs.
Simple Will
Power of Attorney
Health Care Directive
A p p o i n t C h o o s e D e c i d e
Estate planning does not have to be difficult. Think of estate planning as making sure you have some basic documents in place. It is easy to procrastinate, if you do not know what these documents are that provide for your plans. There are three essential documents which almost every person needs in order to carry out their wishes regardless of income, assets, family, or health status. The three documents are:

The Path
Getting Started - Complete Form
Navigating the toughest hurdle - Getting Started. The Client Estate Plan Information Report assists you in gathering the information needed to compose your Estate Documents
Send in Online or E-mail
The Client Estate Plan Information Report can be sent in through this site with payment, ($975 complete for both spouses or $925 single), or download the PDF and mail or e-mail.
Review Drafts
Drafts of your Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive will be e-mailed or mailed to you for your review.
Telephone/Office Consultation
We will arrange either a telephone, in office or at home attorney consultation as you choose for review of the draft documents.
Signing of Documents
The final documents will be prepared and a date for the documents to be notarized and signed will be scheduled.

What is not included: A detailed analysis to determine if you require sophisticated asset protection and tax avoidance planning. If you are interested in these services, please feel free to schedule an appointment.
What is included: A Simple will to take care of distributing property after your death, naming a guardian for your children, putting someone in charge of managing your children's financial affairs, and choosing someone to act as the executor of your estate. A Power of Attorney and a Health Care Directive.